O. P. Martin Free Miscellaneous Charts

For God so loved the world, that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life.

7 Big Questions

Meaning of life questions with answers

World History

concise timeline

Ripe fruit

ripe fruit

Temperaments Bible

four temperaments and big 5 personality traits in the Bible

Gospel Summary

Gospel and Christian Life summary from Acts 10 and Colossians 3

Worship and Praise in the Bible

from elders (exo 24:1) from all nations (psa 86:9)
from angels (heb 1:6) from his servants (rev 22:3)
to no other god (exo 34:14) to Jesus (mat 2:2)
Who to the Lord (gen 29:35) from ministers (1ch 16:4)
from not dead (psa 6:5) from all nations (psa 117:1)
from angels (psa 148:2) from everyone (psa 150:6)
not to yourself (pro 27:2) not to idols (isa 42:8)
from infants (mat 21:16) from foreigner (luk 17:18)
from God (rom 2:29) from his servants (rev 19:5)
living sacrifice (rom 12:1) for miracles (1ch 16:12)
sing, shout (ezr 3:11) dance (psa 149:2)
actions (col 3:17)
What for beauty (gen 12:15) for salvation (exo 15:2)
for provision (lev 19:24) for great things (deu 10:21)
with instruments (1ch 23:5) new song (psa 40:3)
for love and faithfulness (psa 92:2) for creation (psa 139:14)
for reverence (pro 31:30) for wisdom (dan 2:23)
for mercy (rom 15:9) for genuine faith (1pe 1:7)
for doing good (1pe 2:14)
every day (1ch 16:23) new moon, sabbath (isa 66:23)
yearly (zec 14:16)
When always (psa 34:1)
his dwelling (psa 132:7) Where zion (psa 48:1) his sanctuary, heavens (psa 150:1)
obediently (gen 22:5) not abominable way (deu 12:31)
one alter (2ch 32:12) skillfully (psa 33:3)
whole heart (psa 86:12) bow, kneel (psa 95:6)
joyful (psa 100:1) without vain doctrines (mat 15:9)
in spirit and truth (joh 4:23) melody (eph 5:19)
thankful (eph 5:20) would cease (heb 10:2)
reverently (heb 12:28)
How confession (jos 7:19) loudly (2ch 20:19)
gladly (psa 9:2) uprightly (psa 119:7)
not lawless (pro 28:4) not worldly (jer 51:41)
not hypocrisy (mat 6:2) with spirit and mind (1co 14:15)
sacrificial (heb 13:15)
due his name (1ch 16:29) prosperity (zec 14:17) Why victorious (gen 49:8) victorious (2ch 20:22)
due him (psa 65:1) good, pleasant, fitting (psa 147:1)
for testing (pro 27:21) right, just (dan 4:37)

(verses above are interactive)


Further reading at GotQuestions.org .

Musical Elements

Eleven elements of music with key concepts

List of Lists in Scripture

List of Lists in Scripture

The Christian 12 Days of Christmas

The Christian 12 Days of Christmas with memory lists

More Lists

12 More Lists from Scripture

Psalm 150 Correlations Musical Elements

Psalm 150 correlated with Musical Elements

Pipe Organ Stops

Organ Stops by category

Musical Instrument Classification

Organ Stops by category

Dreamworks Trolls

Trolls movies, specials and series

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