5 Steps Bookmark
For God so loved the world, that He gave His one and only Son,
that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life.
Here is a document you can download and print out to make a handy bookmark with
some memorable acronyms, including:
"ABCDE: 5 Steps to a Happy Christian Life"
1. Download the following file: (right click on the link and select "Save Link As..." or "Save Target As..." (Remember where you save the file to).
[v.2.2] ABCDE: 5 Steps to a Happy Christian Life - a bookmark in OpenDocument format
2. Open the file using a program such as the FREE OpenOffice.org.
3. Print side one on the first side of a sheet of two-sided photo paper by printing pages 1-4 of the document using the "right pages" and "brochure" print options.
4. Orient the sheet appropriately to print the page again on the other side so that the front sides have the back sides printing on the reverse. You may wish to practice using an ordinary sheet of paper. Print the reverse using pages 1-4 and the "left pages" option (still using the "brochure" option).
5. You can repeat steps 3 and 4 using the remaining blank half of the paper.
6. Use a paper cutter to cut into bookmarks. Laminate if desired. Makes 12 bookmarks.
Here it is in Ms Word format.
© copyright 2004 - 2007, O. P. Martin